| 1. | That all objects in the universe should have a natural place was no more than fitting . 宇宙中所有物体都应有自然位置这条原理是再恰当不过了。 |
| 2. | Going to some natural places with serveral friends is a pleased thing 和几个朋友一起去一些自然风景区旅行是一件很惬意的事。 |
| 3. | It ' s the natural place for a preacher to rest , recuperate and , most importantly , go deeper into krsna consciousness 那是一个适合传教士休息、恢复的自然之地,最重要的是能让奎师那知觉更深入。 |
| 4. | These are natural places for you to move up to , but what i ve refused to do is move in any direction that got me to move from actually writing code 这是获得提升后理所当然的位置,但如果职位的变动让我不能再进行实际的编码工作,那么我会拒绝这种变动。 |
| 5. | This is a natural place to implement a logging service , any sort of filter , or perhaps encryption or other security measures on the client or the server 这是实现日志记录服务、任何种类的筛选器或者客户端或服务器上的加密或其他安全措施的理所当然的位置。 |
| 6. | An article is a non - significant sound marking the beginning , end , or dividing - point of a speech , its natural place being either at the extremities or in the middle 指示成分是标志一段言语开头、结尾或者分节的无意义的声音,它自然的位置或者在头尾,或者在中间。 |
| 7. | The natural place to seek such enzymes is in soil bacteria and fungi , as these aggregates , despite not being degraded in mammals , do not accumulate in soil in which animal carcasses are decaying , nor in graveyards where humans are decaying 寻找这些酶的自然地方是土壤细菌和真菌,因为这些聚集物,尽管不能在哺乳动物中被降解,但不会积累在动物尸体腐朽的土壤中,也不会积累在人类腐尸的墓地中。 |
| 8. | To be the premier provider of financial protection and wealth management products to the people and corporations of hong kong and ultimately greater china . manulife will be known by all as the natural place to go to receive the most professional solutions to their financial needs 成为公认的最佳理财机构,为本港以及大中华区各大企业及各界人士提供高质素之财务保障和积少成多之理财计划,给予客户专业的意见及无微不至的服务。 |